
London, cooking

Arrived in London Sunday morning at 5. Very nice flight (new BA business class). Very nice hotel. Adjusted to time difference (=slept). Today Monday first day at work in the London office. Great colleagues. Concentrated, productive, collaborative work. Interaction with sales/structuring/trading. About thrice a day somebody volunteers to get coffee/mocha/hot chocolate for everyone. Team lunch/dinner/bowling/go-carting all coming up. (Can write in full sentences with declension, but no want. Chinese influence.)

In the evening, I went to the Reebock gym (conveniently located between work and hotel). Great - haven't been to a good gym in ages (the Goldman gym was nice (nickname: "NASDAQ 5000 memorial gym"), but the Stanford gym sucks utterly). Then cooked: Chicken breast fillet with mango, sun-dried tomato, onion & garlic (lots), and Gouda cheese. By way of enormous will power, I could resist adding Pesto (it wasn't self-made anyway, more walnuts than pinenuts); I did, however, throw in some Applewood smoked ham. The result was better than it sounds - try it (it might help if you're hungry, though). Added a nice South African Pinotage (pleonasm), and a Campari Orange for dessert and good measure. Good night!


Unknown said...

hey i got 2 tickets of <1984> which will be shown on 1st March, any interest?

hope you are having a nice time in London


Anonymous said...

I love ur words,so cute and I have to say that Chinese one is wonderful,made me laugh~~